Thursday, February 23, 2012


You are 2 years and 4 months old now. So many things are changing so quickly in your little world that I feel like it's time to start documenting all the new words, movements, tantrums, quirks and skills you are learning. My goal is to begin updating this blog at least once a week so that someday you can look back on a journal of this adventure through life. Where to start??

You are obsessed with coconut milk. This doesn't necessarily mean it's really coconut milk although sometimes it is. It just has to be something other than milk that has the taste of vanilla. This brings me to your next current obsession...putting yourself in time-out - which you just did - only because we were out of "Co-Co UT", by running into your room after attempting to bite the wall and slamming the door behind you. Which, I might add, I did not think began happening until the teens.

You love school and talk about Maken and Jack all the time. When I ask you what you want in your lunchbox sometimes you say "Jesus". When I ask you what you want to do today, your reply is often "a sandwich". You love dressing yourself, especially in anything inside out, miss matching and backwards. Different shoes on the wrong feet are your absolute favorite. You love pizza, crayons, drawing triangles, chocolate ice cream, playing blocks, doing yoga (tree pose is a new one), trying to catch the beat, singing your ABC's, Elmo, jellybeans, digging in the dirt, being on the boat, dragging Rooster around by the collar, pretending to pick up his poop, getting packages in the mail from JuJu, stickers, carrying a purse, going to the park, taking baths, looking at pictures of yourself, picking your nose and most of all, reading books.

You are so independent and outgoing. You hug and kiss everyone you meet goodbye when they leave. For such a strong willed little girl you sure are sweet.

We just found out you are going to be a big sister and you love saying Baby Sister or Baby Brother and kissing my ever-growing belly. When I ask you what's in mama's tummy you say "baby". When I ask you what's in your tummy you say "a hot dog". What's in Bubba's tummy? "Beer!"

I love you so much it hurts.

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